Global University
Center For Academic Excellence
"Critical Thinking Skills" Workshop
Success in the Classroom & Beyond

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This is the 20th workshop in a series that will be offered by the Center for Academic Excellence at Global University.


To be college and career ready today, student learning needs to go beyond mastery of core subjects and include 21st century knowledge and skills like critical thinking and reasoning. These two skills are needed for just about every aspect of life—whether personal, professional or academic. By joining us, you will learn techniques and strategies that will allow you to change the way you think about the way you think- sounds complicated, but it actually is not! You will also be engaged in practical and interactive discussions and activities. Additionally, each participant will receive valuable tools to facilitate his/her future development in this area.


The workshop identifies and explores components of critical thinking skills that contribute to the success of students in their classrooms and beyond. Participants will engage in a significant number of activities. The activities support the information presented and provide those attending with an opportunity to apply what they have learned. The content enhances and supports participants' ability to teach critical thinking skills.


Principals, Teachers & Coordinators


Critical Thinking Skills: Success in the Classroom & Beyond
DATE: Saturday- 2 December, 2017 from 9:00 am till 1:00 pm.
VENUE: Global University-Beirut/Batrakiyyeh
REGESTRATION: Free Registration. Seats are limited.


PHONE: +961 1 358 058 M-F 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
FAX: +961 1 358 059

Click here for Registration