The Center for Academic Excellence is pleased to announce four more workshops to serve your schools:

During this hand-on, interactive workshop, participants will learn techniques and strategies that will allow them to handle difficult conversations and difficult people with skill and confidence. They will be engaged in practical and interactive discussions and activities that will change the way they see and respond to difficult people (students, teachers or administrators) and difficult situations.

Audience: Date: Time: Venue:
Cycle3 Supervisors
Cycle3 teachers
Saturday/February 28, 2015 8:30-1:30 Global University Batrakeyyeh, Beirut

The goal of this workshop is to introduce participants to a behavior management system that can bring about positive behavior from youth which will reduce classroom management challenges and lead to more effective teaching time.
During this hand-on, interactive workshop, participants will:
1. Explore the components of a behavior management system.
2. Describe the four types of consequences.
3. State the benefits of using reinforcement.
4. Explain how discipline is different from negative consequences.
5. Describe many actions that should NOT be done in an effective behavior management system.
8. Describe common adolescent development characteristics.
9. Describe how trauma affects youth behavior.

Audience: Date: Time: Venue:
Cycle 3 teachers
Friday/ March 13, 2015
Saturday/March 14, 2015
8:30-1:30 Global University Batrakeyyeh, Beirut

مهنة التعليم تنفرد بصفات و خصائص تميز صاحبها عن غيره. فالمعلم يتعامل مع فئة إذا صلحت صلح المجتمع. ونشير إلى أن المتعلمين يحتاجون إلى من يكسب قلوبهم، هذه النفوس تريد من المعلم أن يشعرها بوجودها و أهميتها و أن يقدر ما لديها من مواهب و ميول و قدرات. وإدارة الصف تتضمن مجموعة من الأساليب والإجراءات التي يستخدمها المعلم لتنمية الأنماط السلوكية المقبولة لدى التلاميذ، وتعديل الأنماط غير المرغوب فيها، وتهيئة الجو الودي، وتحقيق نظام اجتماعي فعال ومنتج داخل الصف.
بنهاية هذه الوحدة التدريبية سوف يتمكن المشاركون من:
١. تعريف مفهوم إدارة الصف وأنماطه.
٢. تحديد الأساليب المناسبة لجذب انتباه التلاميذ وكيفية الاحتفاظ به.
٣. تحديد أساليب التعزيز الإيجابي للتلاميذ.
٤. تحديد معايير إدارة الصف الفعالة.

Audience: Date: Time: Venue:
مديرو المدارس
وأساتذة المرحلة الثانوية
Friday/ March 20, 2015
Saturday/ March 21, 2015
8:30-1:30 Global University Batrakeyyeh, Beirut

The goal of the 6+1 Trait Writing model is to integrate effective writing assessment with classroom instruction to improve student writing. The model provides teachers and students with a common framework and language that is based on the six "traits" of effective writing
During this hand-on, interactive workshop, participants will discuss and learn:
~ What the six traits are and ideas on how to teach them;
~ How the traits support the writing process instruction;
~ How the 6-Traits model improves student writing and prepares students for writing assessments; and
~ How to assess student writing using the trait scoring guide.

Audience: Date: Time: Venue:
Language Arts Teachers Friday/ March 27, 2015
Saturday/March 28, 2015
8:30-1:30 Global University Batrakeyyeh, Beirut