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Global University
Center For Academic Excellence
"Text Annotation" Workshop
A Reading Strategy that Improves Reading Comprehension

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This is the 21st workshop in a series that will be offered by the Center for Academic Excellence at Global University.


The lack of effective reading strategies is often what prevents struggling readers from excelling with reading. However, teachers can teach reading strategies to struggling readers to help them improve their reading comprehension. Often, educators call these reading strategies "scaffolding" techniques because they help struggling readers build their way up to reading comprehension, much as a scaffold helps a construction worker to build upward from the ground. By joining us, you will learn techniques and strategies that will allow you to teach your students how to annotate. You will also be engaged in practical and interactive discussions and activities. Additionally, each participant will receive valuable tools to facilitate his/her future development in this area.


ANNOTATING TEXT One such scaffolding skill that you can teach to struggling readers is the annotation of text. Annotation helps build key reading skills. Showing struggling readers active strategies like annotating gives them concrete tools to be able to interact with text and find small, immediate successes. The more students practice effective reading strategies, the more natural they will become, and the closer to absorbing text they will get.


Language Arts Teachers & Coordinators

"Text Annotation" - Workshop

DATE: Saturday - 16 December 2017 from 9:00 am till 1:00 pm.
VENUE: Global University-Beirut/Batrakeyyeh
REGESTRATION: Free Registration. Seats are limited.


PHONE: +961 1 358 058 M-F 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
FAX: +961 1 358 059

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